As Christopher Hitchens said: " It's not a
coincidence that Omar Khayyam, rebuking and ridiculing the stone-faced Iranian
mullahs of his time, pointed to the value of the grape as a mockery of their
joyless and sterile regime."
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou
Beside me
singing in the Wilderness--
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!
Whether at Naishapur or Babylon,
Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
The Wine of
Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one
And lately, by the Tavern Door agape,
Came shining through the Dusk an Angel Shape
Bearing a
Vessel on his Shoulder; and
He bid me taste of it; and 'twas--the Grape!
The Grape that can with Logic absolute
The Two-and-Seventy jarring Sects confute:
The sovereign Alchemist that in a trice
Life's leaden
metal into Gold transmute:
Waste not your Hour, nor in the vain pursuit
Of This and
That endeavor and dispute;
Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape
Than sadden
after none, or bitter, Fruit.
And if the Wine you drink, the Lip you press
End in what
All begins and ends in--Yes;
Think then you are To-day what Yesterday You
To-morrow You shall not be less.
What, without asking, hither hurried Whence?
And, without asking, Whither hurried hence!
Oh, many a Cup of this forbidden Wine
Must drown the memory of that insolence!
Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
Before we too
into the Dust descend;
Dust into Dust, and under Dust to lie
Sans Wine, sans
Song, sans Singer, and--sans End!
From The Rubaiyat. By Omar Khayyam, 1120 A.C.E.
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