In terms of literary pairings, Champagne is the Oscar
Wilde of wines. It is witty, deliciously naughty, and, like Oscar, it is
sublime. It is hard to imagine Wilde’s sparkling, high-spirited exchanges in the
drawing rooms of Belle Epoch London and Paris without also thinking of
Napoleon famously said, “In victory, you deserve Champagne. In
defeat you need it.” A hundred years later, Churchill rallied his troops by
declaring, “Gentlemen, we fight not only for France, but for Champagne!”
When a London newspaper reporter asked Lilly Bollinger when
she drank Champagne she famously answered: I drink it when I'm happy and when
I'm sad. Sometimes, I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company I consider
it obligatory. I trifle with it if I'm not hungry and drink it if I am;
otherwise I never touch it— unless I'm
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