Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wine Economist Review

Mike Veseth, the highly respected editor of the Wine Economist and author of many wine books, including Wine Wars, published the following generous review  of my new book.
Irresistible: Wine is for Booklovers
The second new book is Patrick Alexander’s The Booklovers’ Guide to Wine: A Celebration of the History, Mysteries, and the Literary Pleasures of Drinking Wine. Every glass of wine tells a  story and so it is no surprise that people who love books and stories are drawn to wine. Patrick Alexander seems to be the perfect guide for booklovers who want to enjoy wine even more through story-telling.
Alexander is a literary guy (he has also written a book on Proust) who developed the wine appreciation curriculum at the University of Miami and eventually took his signature course to a local bookstore, where it has been a hit (and where Proust book sales coincidentally zoomed). Now his course is available to the rest of us through this book.
Two things set Booklovers’ Guide apart. The first, of course,  is the emphasis on story-telling. While the topics and organization are fairly conventional, the choice of stories to illustrate different points plus the wonderful writing really bring familiar topics to life. I have read dozens of wine guides over the years and I can’t think of one that is so much fun. Simply irresistible!
Alexander’s literary references are the second distinctive factor. His abundant quotes from famous authors are clever and really made me think. And the chapter on wine grape varieties — where grapes are compared to famous authors — is both fun and informative.
The full review can be read at https://wineeconomist.com  

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Miami Herald

All serious wine drinkers should be encouraged to read this very sober and thoughtful profile in today's Miami Herald. It was written by Connie Ogle, a long time and highly respected columnist, whose serious and almost reverential approach to wine is most greatly to be admired if not emulated.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Mark your calendar

Click here for details and to reserve a place

Date: Tuesday October 17
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134

Wines generously provided by Cerdá, Llanos y Cía.